1. Die Erziehung meiner Frau

    Datum: 17.07.2019, Kategorien: Macht / Ohnmacht

    ... from between Doren's legs and the piercer proceeded with the clamps and
    the scalpel to perform the cut for the pierce of Doren's right labia majora. No
    one had said a word up until this point, but all had been watching in
    fascination at all that Doren had endured and her lusty reaction to what they
    perceived as torture. I started to become woozy as the blood started to flow
    from the cut in Doren's outer sex lip from the final piercing that she had to
    endure. Doren laid there seeming oblivious to the world, but yet observing the
    procedure as if she were having some sort of an out of body experience, Janelle
    and John led me outside into the night air. We left Doren in the capable hands
    of Jack the piercer, Jackie the young nurse and the transfixed eyes of the limo
    driver. The other tattoo artist seemed in a trance as Doren looked on seemingly
    from ga ga land in a daze that mad me wonder if she has sustained brain damage.
    Soon after all the piercings were completed and the appropriate jewelry had been
    inserted, I had recovered enough so that they were sure that I was not going to
    faint. We all converged on Doren to remove her bindings. We made sure that she
    was awake but I had to carry her to the limo for the trip home because she was
    still riding the crest of the high from the piercing procedures. She seemed
    light as a feather and I again acquired an erection. We were sent home with some
    oral antibiotics that Jackie ...
    ... provided from her private stock and strict cleaning
    instructions for all of Doren's new piercings. We also had more instructions not
    to attempt or even to think about trying to masturbate for Doren or for me to
    have penetrating sex with her for at least 6 weeks. We would be allowed to do
    that only after Jackie had pronounced Doren healed from her ordeal. Jackie left
    her phone number with us in case we had any trouble. We were to call if the
    blood soaked through the labia piercing because Jack had some trouble getting
    the bleeding to stop after he pierced her. Jackie took our address so that she
    could come and inspect Doren's piercings as they healed. We also had aftercare
    instructions for cleaning the piercings and how to care for them to make them
    heal quickly and to lessen the risk of infection.
    After they let us out of the limo I helped Doren, still in the nude, walk into
    the house. Her walk was different and she walked with her legs apart as the
    dressing on the labia pierce and the fresh clitoral pierce would not let her put
    her legs too close together. The special disk with my name could not be inserted
    until the labia piercing healed. Doren would stay in the nude for the next three
    weeks. The next day Jackie came in and dressed all of Doren's fresh piercings. I
    disposed of the blood soaked bandages. She showed us how to care for the
    piercings. There was more blood on the labia piercing than on the others. After
    the first ...